The agreement form is only a request for approval to operate. Submissions can be declined. ------------------------------------ RPAS operating unshielded must have a pilot qualification issued by an approved person or organisation or be under direct supervision of a suitably qualified person. ------------------------------------ Aerodrome(s) Affected* Lake Taupō AerodromeTaupo Hospital HelipadCentennial Park AerodromeHeli Adventure HelipadTaupō AirportTūrangi AerodromeUnsure Name of RPAS Operator* Contact Phone Number* Contact Email* Date of Operation* Time of Operation* Time Location of Operation* ------------------------------------ We are required to know ------------------------------------ You must fully comply with CAA Rule Part 101 or 102. Are you the holder of a Part 102 Unmanned Aircraft Operator Certificate?* Reference 102.17 Is your planned operation within 4km of an uncontrolled aerodrome?* Reference Part 101.205 (a) Have you been approved by The Director to operate the aircraft above 400ft AGL?* Reference 101.205(a)(1)(iii)(B) Is your operation a shielded operation?* Reference 101.205(c) Are you operating above 200ft AGL?* Do you understand the rules and requirements of Part 101?* Reference Part 101 Will you have an observer in attendance?* Reference 101.205(a)(1)(iii) (A) Do you hold a pilot qualification issued by an approved person or organisation or are supervised by someone who does?* Reference 101.205(a)(3)(i)(A) Have you sighted and understood the Exclusion Zone applying to RPAS at Centennial Park?* Do you have permission from the owner of the property over which you will be flying?* --YesNo Please note also that under Rule 101 the operator of an RPA is required to ensure that their aircraft remains in sight at all times, does not fly on or over any active movement area of an aerodrome and gives way to and remains clear of any manned aircraft on the ground or in flight. -- Terms & Conditions*